May 2018
May 1st marked Studio BV's second annual retreat day! At our retreats, we spend our mornings out in the community doing a service project and the afternoons together celebrating our achievements over the last year and getting inspired for what is to come!
This year, we spent the morning at the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis. We brought in groceries and made a variety of freezer meals that will be available to families staying at the house that are unable to make the communal meal. We also helped assemble thank-you packages for a school group that donated a substantial amount of money. We were so impressed with the facility and the work of the Ronald McDonald House! The staff and volunteers we worked with were so kind, the facility so impressive, and the mission so important! Every year, the facilities in the Twin Cities serve over 5,000 families as they are going through the painful process of having a sick child in the hospital. We loved being able to be a small part of this big mission!
After we finished all of our cooking, the SBV team headed to the brand new Dayton at Gaviidae - DT Minneapolis YMCA. We love our work with the Y and were so grateful that they let us use their space for our retreat day. We spent the afternoon celebrating each other's personal and professional accomplishments and giving Pecha Kucha-style presentations of the work we have completed over the last year. We ended the day with a great happy hour and an inspirational presentation by Dr. Kathleen Vohs on how art enhances meaning. It was another great retreat and we can't wait to see where the next year will take us!